Port Salut

January 8, 2010

Once more the Trappist Monks show the good side of celibacy: Port Salut, a great cheese to go with all those great beers and liqueurs they make.

Also known as Entrammes, this mild tasting, semi-soft cheese has a fascinating history. According to Wikipedia, its roots began during the French Revolution when Trappist Monks fled Paris to avoid religious persecution. While living abroad, they began making cheese in order to survive. When they returned in 1815, they built a new abbey at Notre dame and continued making cheese. Urban legend contends that the head of the abbey made a trip to Paris and concluded negotiations with a cheese seller to distribute the cheese. Sells went through the roof and soon thereafter the monks registered the name of their cheese as Port du Salut.

Like Chaumes, with which he shares more than a few similarities, it has a distinct tangerine rind. Its texture is like velvet and its finish is quite refreshing with a slight acidic taste.

When introducing children to specialty cheeses, I think this one would be a great starter. Your feline foodie thinks it would be divine in a grilled cheese; it would just ooze over the edges and what kid could resist?

BTW, The Man swooned when he tasted this cheese. The Lady loves it when he swoons…

I give Port Salut 3 Paws out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I’ve got).

Serving Suggestions: I would think a little Ficoco Spread would turn this cheese into a dessert on the spot. Also in a grilled cheese.

Wine Pairings: Try a Pinot Noir.

Beer Pairings: How about Amber Ale? Should be rich and sweet; almost sinful.

Source: Cow Milk.

4 Responses to “Port Salut”

  1. […]  Chaumes is based upon traditional Trappist monk-style cheeses, such as Port Salut, which I believe you reviewed recently. You paired the Port de Salut, its proper name incidentally, […]

  2. […] Dee’s I will review is Roth Kase Butterkase. This is a semi-soft cheese similar in texture to Port Salut; maybe even creamier. It is the color of rich butter and it melts on the palate just like butter. […]

  3. fred harper Says:

    what a load of cobblers this Port Salut company is, it offers free wedge of cheese on wine bottle necks but can you claim it on their web site …..no.

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