Mondrian, Another Dutch Master from Holland

February 8, 2011

KH De Jong, a Dutch Cheesemaking Company, has a line of cheeses they call the “Dutch Masterpieces”. Each cheese in the line is named after a Dutch painter or artist. The Lady sells several of these cheeses and they are popular here at the manse. Included in this line are two I have previously reviewed: Rembrandt and Vincent, both tasty aged Goudas.

Today she brought home another “Dutch Masterpiece”, Mondrian which is a Swiss-style cheese named after Piet Mondrian (originally “Mondriaan”). Rembrandt and Vincent have pictures of the famous painters on their labels. Mondrian cheese instead bears a painting that appears vaguely Cubist, but is what the Artist called Now-Plasticism. Although Mondrian painted landscape scenes, he is primarily remembered for these paintings which consisted of a white ground with thick black vertical and horizontal lines with blocks filled with red, blue and yellow. 

This cheese arrives vac-packed and is carried on the cheese island, adjacent to The Lady’s kiosk. It is an ivory-colored cheese with large “eyes” that sets Swiss-style cheese apart from most other cheeses, although many aged Gouda may contain “eyes” as well. (The eyes are created late in the production of this style cheese as a result of CO2 being released as part of a natural reaction as the bacteria used in production consumes the lactic acid. See the “trivia” note below…)

Mondrian, the cheese is nutty and sweet with a more pronounced flavor profile than found in the milder Jarlsberg, a Swiss-style cheese made in Norway (so noted for my friend, Mary, and her battalion of fellow travelers protecting the Easter US Quadrant commonly known as Virginia). However, it doesn’t reach the heights of complex flavor found in the King of Swiss cheeses, Emmenthal.

The Lady served this fine cheese with crackers and a little jar of Spicy Red Wine Mustard from Vintner’s Kitchen (The Folks at Vintner’s Kitchen have really got it going on when it comes to making jams, jellies and mustards – all containing the fruits of the vine… check them out; you’ll be glad you did). As you might expect, The Man swooned while I quietly maintained my dignity and prayed I would get my fair half-share before The Man ate it all.

I give Mondrian 3 Paws out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I’ve got).

Serving Suggestions: This cheese works well on a cheese board but is equally qualified to proudly be part of a grilled ham and cheese panini. You can also use it in mac n cheese and other cooking creations.

Wine Pairing: This cheese pairs well with a white such as Pinot Gris; a red like Zinfandel and even with a Port.

Beer Pairing: Your favorite Dortmunder is an excellent choice with Mondrian.

Source: Pasteurized Cows’ milk

Trivia: Swiss-style cheese without eyes is called “Blind”.

(Stay Tuned: we are only 2 posts and pages away from our 500th post here (doesn’t include our sister recipe blog, cheesemonger recipes). We have big plans for 500!!)


5 Responses to “Mondrian, Another Dutch Master from Holland”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marcella Wright, Marcella Wright. Marcella Wright said: Mondrian, Another Dutch Master from Holland […]

  2. Hello,
    Seen your info about “Rembrandt” and “Vincent”. What’s in a name:
    Try to adapt DUTCH FARMERS CHEESES…Best rawmilkproducts… unique in taste and structure.
    Help small farmers to stay in business and…beware the landscape!
    Fons van den Hout, kaas-expert, Tilburg, The Netherlands. You can translate in your language)
    If you need help…mail me!

    • cheesemonger Says:

      Fons, The Lady would love to carry more raw milk cheeses from Europe but working for a large US Corporation ties her hands. Buying decisions are, sadly, far above her pay grade. Thanks for reading and posting; it’s always good to hear from you.

  3. […] Mondrian, Another Dutch Master from Holland ( […]

  4. […] Mondrian, Another Dutch Master from Holland ( […]

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