Fourme d’Ambert as Francophilia Continues at The Manse

March 20, 2011

The second featured bleu in the “Send Marcella to France” Cheese Contest is also from the Auvergne region of France.

This cheese is considered one of the oldest of cheeses, possibly dating back to the Druids. This cheese may have hung out at Stonehenge for all we know…

It is also one of the mildest of blues and for those who claim they “hate” blue cheese; this makes a good “starter” cheese into the wonderful world of bleus.

The naturally bloomy rind of this cylindrical cheese is gray with a strong, earthy smell. Inside, though, is a mild and delicate fruity paste. It is not as weepy as Bleu d’Auvergne but just as creamy with lots of blue veining. The Lady served this cheese with Dare Water Crackers and drizzled honey on top while Edith Piaf sang Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien in the background… BTW, I was familiar with Edith before Francophilia invaded the manse… now, some days I think I have become Edith Piaf… but I digress…

So revered is this cheese that a statue in the shape of Fourme d’Ambert graces the door of the Chapel at Chaulme in Auvergne. However, let’s be honest here, this cheese looks like a blue cheese log, the statue might be homage to the logging industry… just saying…

Like Bleu d’Auvergne, Fourme d’Ambert is AOC protected earning this prestige in 2000, seventy-five years after the third bleu featured in the contest and the next cheese I will review, Roquefort.

Let me end this review with “Pour le peuple de Paris, aujourd’hui et à jamais, je suis français!!”

I give Fourme d’Ambert 3 Paws out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I’ve got).

Serving Suggestions: This cheese goes well with chocolate, although The Lady refuses me to allow me to verify this pairing… but with honey and crackers, it is a winner. Personally, I find that it pairs well with Castor canadensis, especially the Oregon variety (with apologies to The Lady’s boss man, Rob…)

Wine Pairing: A glass of Port goes quite well with this cheese

Beer Pairing: Chocolate Stout and the world is perfect.

Source: Pasteurized Cow’s Milk

One Response to “Fourme d’Ambert as Francophilia Continues at The Manse”

  1. […] one of the contest featured Bleu d’Auvergne, Forme d’Ambert and Roquefort, three of the world’s finest Blue […]

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