Fiscalini Farmstead San Joaquin Gold

June 12, 2011

Made from Raw Milk

The Lady loves Chuck’s Produce in Vancouver and their friendly cheesemonger, Jodi. She stops in occasionally to buy cheeses that her kiosk doesn’t carry. Jodi told The Lady to expect a new wheel of Fiscalini Gold to arrive and ta da… I did and The Lady brought home a wedge for me to taste and review.

I previously reviewed Fiscalini’s Premium Aged Cheddar, which received my 4 Paws approval; therefore, I felt San Joaquin Gold would be another winner here at the manse. And I wasn’t disappointed.

To re-cap, from my previous posting:

“Modesto, California, in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, is the home of Fiscalini Farmstead Cheese Company which has been making cheese since 1914 in the tradition of their Swiss ancestors who were cheesemakers in Switzerland for more than 300 years. Fiscalini has won many awards not only for their cheeses but also for their humane treatment of the cows that provide the milk for their cheeses. Their herd consists of 1400 Holstein and as with all Farmstead cheese; the cows live where the cheese is made.”

Along with their Cloth-Bandaged Cheddar, San Joaquin Gold is considered their premiere signature cheese. It is made from unpasteurized cow’s milk and for me it is a cross between cheddar and parmesan. This makes it quite versatile, usage-wise. Taste-wise, it’s a wowza…

Nutty, salty, sweet and buttery; all at the same time, this cheese melts on the palate and leaves a lingering satisfaction. Ever so slightly dry, not in a bad way; the flavor is complex and mellow without any sharpness.

For Fiscalini’s San Joaquin Gold I give it 4 Paws out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I’ve got). Fiscalini Farmstead Cheeses are batting a thousand here at the manse…

Serving Suggestions: This cheese would be at home grated on a Caesar Salad (rather than using Parm), in a mac n cheese get ready to swoon ala The Man’s way, you would raise the level of your grilled cheese to gourmet status with this cheese

Wine Pairing: Bodan Roan Cabernet 2008 from the San Joaquin Valley. An amazing Bargain Wine at about $14.00 a bottle. We couldn’t locate a website, but this fine wine is easily available at your local wine shop or online.

Beer Pairing: An IPA should pair well with this cheese.

Source: Raw Cow’s Milk

Awards: Too many to list here!!!

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