Well folks… I don’t have to whine; I don’t have to beg; I don’t have to be a feline pain-in-the-butinsky…

I overheard The Lady and The Man discussing the American Cheese Society Conference aka “Cheese-a-topia” in Seattle starting August 25th.  The Lady paid her fees to attend all four days of the conference (and fees for The Man to attend the “Festival of Cheese”) and has arranged her vacation to co-incide with those days…

I was sweating; I was anxious…  and then I head those magic word… “Pet-Friendly Hotel”…

The Lady has found a fine motel in the Kirkland neighborhood that welcomes guests of the feline persuasion and you know what that means…

Spaulding Gray, Portland’s Favorite Feline Foodie is going to Cheese-a- Topia…

The ACS and Seattle will never be the same…

24 days and counting…