Carr Valley Cheddars

August 6, 2010

The Lady continues to serve more delicious cheeses from the Award-Winning Wisconsin Cheesemaker, Sid Cook’s Carr Valley Cheese.

This week she served their Ten-Year Cheddar both with crackers for snacking and melted on grilled burgers. I marvel that anyone can keep such a delicious cheese around for ten year without someone hijacking it out of the cheese plant and taking it home for one fine cheese feeding frenzy.

The Lady has served other delicious aged cheddars but this one is without a doubt the best one so far. This cheese is handcrafted in their La Valle plant in small vats by cheesemakers with more than 100 years experience.

As with all aged cheddars, the flavor of this cheese is full and robust with that tasty, bitter after bite that lets you know this cheese has been aged and aged for years. It almost burns the roof of your mouth its so strong… that’s a good thing…

I give Carr valley Ten-Year Cheddar 4 Paws out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I’ve got).

Serving Suggestions: Equally excellent on a plate and as a cooking cheese.

Wine Pairing: You need a robust Cabernet that will hold its own with this equally robust cheddar.

Beer Pairing: Try a Barley Wine with this cheese.

Awards: This cheese won 2nd place in its class at the 2005 American Cheese Society Competition.

The next day, The Lady surprised The Man by serving Carr Valley Horseradish Cheddar with the Sesmark Crackers I recently (like 15 minutes ago…) reviewed in this post. The Man loves horseradish and when he discovered that cheesemakers put it in cheese… well, you know what happened… he went into a perpetual swoon…

This flavored cheese is medium cheddar with just enough horseradish to make a strong flavor without overpowering the cheese.

I give Carr Valley Horseradish Cheese 3 Paws out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I’ve got).

Serving Suggestions: Again, this cheese is great as part of a cheese plate and will add dimension to your favorite mac n cheese.

Wine Pairing: The Lady suggests a nice Merlot; always a favorite around the manse.

Beer Pairing: An IPA, although, when I checked in with Beer Enthusiast, Mike Wright, he suggested Bud Light… imagine that…

FTC Full Disclosure – The cheesemaker/manufacturer sent me their product, hoping I would review the product/cheese.

2 Responses to “Carr Valley Cheddars”

  1. Lily Winter Says:

    HI, I found an old post where you say about Soignon Chevrion Buche:

    The Lady tells me this is a very popular cheese at her kiosk. She sells 5-7 logs of this cheese every week. Buche is made in the traditional log shape with a delicate white penicillium mold rind. (July 15, 2009)

    The only place I have ever seen this cheese sold is Fry’s in Phoenix, and I only go there twice a year. I am addicted to this cheese, and, as such, am in big trouble. Can you mail it to me, or find someone who will? I’m in Minnesota. Thanks, Lily Winter

    • cheesemonger Says:

      Lily, I am not equipped to ship and I am in the Pacific Northwest. I am forwarding your comments to my distributor and will see if she can recommend someone in your neck of the woods.

      BTW, The Lady’s store is owned by the same parent company (Kroger) as Fry’s in Phoenix.

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