Topped Brie

December 15, 2008

brie-with-pesto-kalmata-toms2brie-de-nangis-bluefresh-fruit-brieOne of the duties that The Lady enjoys the most at the cheese kiosk is making “Topped Brie”. She uses a piece of Brie, ususally an 8 ounce round, and tops it with various goodies. She also uses a wedge of Rozaire Brie de Nangis to make a fancier presentation. According to The Lady, the possibilities are limitless; if the store sells it, she can use it to make one of these mouth-watering appetizers or desserts.

Serve with Champagne.

I give these 4 Paws out of 4 Paws (cause that’s all I’ve got).

5 Responses to “Topped Brie”

  1. Robert McCarty Says:

    I have enjoyed all of your informative and humorous posts. Knowing nothing about cheeses, other than I like them all, makes this blog a great reference library for me. Thanks!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Emily Says:

    Love the smiley face! And are those palm leaf plates that you served your brie on? We’re having a party food recipe contest and would love to have you enter one of your favorite recipes! I’ve linked to the contest through my name – deadline to enter is tomorrow at 4 PM!

  3. cheesemonger Says:

    Emily, they are Bamboo plates. We use them for many presentation including “Cheese Flights” – small portions of cheeses themed such as “French Cheeses”; “Spanish Cheeses”, etc.

    The customer like them and feel they are getting something special.

  4. […] Brie would make a perfect baked Brie topped with many of the toppings that The Lady features in this previous posting. You can also serve it on a grilled chicken breast as Lapellah Restaurant does and also it would be […]

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