UMDIA (Upper Midwest Dairy Industry Association) has announced winners for their Spring 2010 Butter and Cheese Contest.

There were 45 entries in 4 divisions.

The Winners are as follows:

The winner of the Butter Division was Ronald Rodewald from AMPI-New Ulm, MN with a score of 99.33.

The 40 pound Cheddar Block winner was Ross Vettleson of Bongards Creameries in Perham, MN with a score of 98.33.

Mr. Vettleson also topped the Cheddar Barrel competition with his entry that scored 98.17.

The winner of the Miscellaneous category was Terry Simon from Bongards Creameries in Norwood, MN with his entry of Processed Buffalo Bleu, scoring a 98.17.

For more information about the winners and the UMDIA, please click here.

The Lady adapted a cheesecake recipe and used Sartori’s Raspberry Bellavitano Cheese for a delicious new take on the cheesecake.

The recipe is available by clicking here.

The Lady has not been able to get Morbier AOC since before Christmas. There is a rumor that the problem stems from new regime at the FDA (aka – FDA is a part of The Rat Ass Bastards currently ruining this country – The lady’s political views and certainly not shared by this Feline Foodie) and a government official at the FDA (another Rat Ass Bastard) who has classified the vegetable ash layer as a carcinogen and as such is now being banned from importation in the US.

However, in visiting other cheese shops, The Lady continues to see Morbier in their cases. Perhaps it has been around awhile.

Inquiring minds want to know. When I google Morbier, I can find nothing on this subject.

I would really appreciate feedback from anyone with knowledge on this mystery…

You can comment below or send me an email at:

spauldingthecheesemong (at)

Your assistance is appreciated by both The Lady’s customers and this Feline Foodie…